Posts Tagged: cloud-based voip

Go Big, Go Global And Stay Home

Big or small, a business can’t survive without a reliable telecom system to keep lines of communication open between partners, customers, and employees. While traditional communication models such as phone calls, text and email messages will always be in style, you can enhance the appearance of your small business from a local operation to one with worldwide capabilities. Check out how some companies are using new (and one old) technology to stay within their business space but look like they operate ... Read more

Which Office Phone System Is Best for Your Business – Voice Over IP, Cloud-based VoIP or Landlines?

Whether you’re a small business or a growing mid-sized operation, the right business phone system is crucial to both present a professional image and to ensure customers can always reach your team. Knowing which phone system is right for you, will depend on your organization’s size, how many extensions you’ll need, how often you’ll be adding new employees, and the size of your budget. Many phone systems are available to fit just about any budget, but you’ll most likely choose a ... Read more